Basikova, Bara

lead vocal in the Precedens group, in 90's she started her own pop music career (continued in the New Romance mood of the late Precedens tunes, also starring in several musicals). Albums (4) and (7) are in the New Age style, made together with Martin Nemec (see Precedens).  Album (5) contains remakes of movie songs from 1960s. Her band Basic Beat is in fact Precedens under a different name.

Discography (just solo projects, see also Precedens, Stromboli):

1. Bara Basikova (Monitor 1991)
2. Responsio Mortifera (Monitor 1992)
3. Bara Basikova + Basic Beat: Viktorie kralovská (Monitor 1993) ***+
4. Dreams Of Sphinx (Monitor 1993) ***
5. 60ta (Monitor 1994)
6. Basic Beat Live (Monitor 1994) ****
7. Mountain Of Ages (1995)
8. Lhat se musi (Monitor 1996) **+
9. Gregoriana (1998)
10.Nova Gregoriana (1999)
11.Tak jinak (2001)

12. ABPOPA (with Precedens, 2005)


i. Bila velryba (with Prazsky Vyber, EP Panton 1985)

ii. Na koni (with Prazsky Vyber, SP Supraphon 1985) 


I.. 3 x Bara Basikova (Monitor-EMI, 1999, 3CD with albums 1,3,5)

Sample(MP3): Soumrak bohu (album #3., 41")

Links: Official BB Site; Precedens; Stromboli