... czech and slovak music guide ...
Dej mi cas / Malo jsem te znal
vinyl 7", cat.No. 8143 0175

 label : Panton
 released : 1983
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Novak, Petr
George and Beatovens


Adolf Seidl "Andy" - background vocal, steel/slide guitar, guitars ( George and Beatovens )
Karel Novak - background vocal, bass guitar ( George and Beatovens )
Stanislav Stanek - background vocal, guitars ( George and Beatovens )
Ladislav Klein - background vocal, leader, flute ( George and Beatovens )


1. Dej mi cas (Give Me Time) - Novak, Petr, 1983 (music by: P.Novak, lyrics by: P.Cmiral)
2. Malo jsem te znal (I Didn't Know You Well) - Novak, Petr, 1983 (music by: Z.Nedved, lyrics by: P.Cmiral)

Last update 2015-03-22