... czech and slovak music guide ...

Jiri Rychnovsky

born: 1545
died: 1616
birthplace: Rychnov nad Kneznou
diedplace: Chrudim

Czech composer of the renaissance period, well educated citizen and mayor of the town Chrudim. He composed church music both in Czech and Latin languages. His works show the knowledge of the European musical standards but also his own invention. His compositions were copied in the manuscript of the Literary Brotherhood at St. Michal Church in Prague New Town. It is one of a few well preserved complete collections of Czech religious renaissance music. He often used the latin form of his name: Georgius Rychnnovius.


Mala encyklopedie hudby (dr. Jar. Smolka & kolektiv, Supraphon 1983)
Booklet of the CD Hortus Bohemicus - Ecce Musica (vyd.1997 Sony Music Entertainment CZ)


Prorokovali proroci (MP3) (Hortus Bohemicus, dir. Jan Holy, rec. 1997 studio Domovina, Slovakia)

Last update 2012-07-03