... czech and slovak music guide ...

Josef Jelinek

born: 1758-12-03
died: 1825-04-13
birthplace: Sedlec u Tabora
diedplace: Viden

Czech pianist and composer, friend of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven. He was born in the family of a taylor; he played organ very well in his age of 12. He studied the jesuit college on the Holy Mountain at Pribram and then theology in Prague. Here he also studied music under Josef Seger. In 1786 he was priested and on Mozart's advice, he was taken in custody as a chaplain and music teacher at the court of Earl Filip Kinsky and later at the court of Prince Frantisek Kinsky in Vienna. There he studied counterpoint under Johann Georg Albrechtsberger. He was treated as one of the best piano players of his times and got admiration from both Mozart and Haydn. Thanks to his fame as musician and pedagogue he was invited to the Emperor's court to teach music there. He spent the end of his life at the court of Prince Eszterházy.

  • at least 100 mostly piano compositions; particularly fantasies and variations on Mozart's themes


Mala encyklopedie hudby (dr. Jar. Smolka; &kolektiv, Supraphon 1983)


Last update 2012-07-04