... czech and slovak music guide ...

Jan Nepomuk Hummel

born: 1778-11-14
died: 1837-10-17
birthplace: Bratislava
diedplace: Weimar

Slovak born composer, excellent pianist and pedagogue of Austrian origin. Son of a theatral bandmaster in Bratislava, Slovakia (and since 1786 in Vienna), Josef Hummel. In Bratislava he learned music from F.P.Rigler, in the age of 8 introduced to W.A.Mozart as a child prodigy. He made such a strong impression to Mozart that he was offered to stay in Mozart's house and take lessons free of charge. In the age of 10 his father took him on a European tour, staying in London for 2 years. Here he took lessons from Muzio Clementi and met J.Haydn. In 1791 Haydn wrote Sonata in A Minor for him, the first release of which young Hummel played in London in Haydn's presence. After return to Vienna he studied music under Albrechtsberger (on whose lessons he met young Beethoven and became friends), Salieri and J. Haydn. In 1804 Haydn choose him as his siccessor as 'Konzertmeister' of the Prince Esterhazy's orchestra in Eisenstadt.He returned to Vienna in 1811. In 1813 he married the singer Elisabeth Röckel; later they had two sons. In 1816 he became the bandmaster in Stuttgart and in 1819 in Weimar. He became famous by his brilliant piano play and the ability of improvisation; he gave concerts all over the European cultural centers of that time. As a composer, he wrote mainly piano works on the transition of Classicism and Romanticism; characteristic by technical perfection and playfulness more than by depth of emotion. He was also a prominent teacher; he wrote the piano school-book in 1828.

  • 7 piano concertos
  • 10 piano sonatas
  • piano variations, rondos and other chamber compositions for piano
  • compositions for other instruments (wind concerto, mandoline concerto, celo sonata...)
  • operas
  • 5 masses, oratorio, cantatas and other vocal music


M.Haydn Contemporaries (pouze anglicky)
Mala encyklopedie hudby (book in Czech by dr. Jar. Smolka; &kolektiv, Supraphon 1983)
CD booklet-Johann Nepomuk Hummel: Piano Trios Nos 5-6, Opus 1990


Piano Trio No.5 (MP3) (III. Rondo; Ivan Gajan piano, Viktor Simcisko violin, Juraj Alexander celo; Opus 1990)

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Last update 2012-07-04