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Jan Antonin Losy, hrabe z Losimthalu

born: 1650
died: 1721
birthplace: Steken
diedplace: Praha

Czech baroque lute player and composer. His ancestors came from Switzerland to Prague, gained a lot of money and influence at the court; amongst other things, they built a palace in early Baroque style in Pragu, Hybernska street, today known as Lidovy dum (currentl headquarters of Czech Social Democratic Party). They also rebuilt the castle at Steken, South Bohemia, where J.A. Losy was born. He graduted in philosophy at Charles University, Prague. Later he served at the court of the Austrian Emperor in various high positions. He travelled a lot (Germany, Italy, France); in his palace in Prague he held instrumental concerts playing music of J.B. Lully, J.J.Fux and others. As the lute player, he propagated so-called french style. He composed mainly simple polyphony dance suites.


Mala encyklopedie hudby (dr. Jar. Smolka; &kolektiv, Supraphon 1983)


Last update 2012-07-03