Karel Gott
born: 1939-07-14
birthplace: Plzen
nationality: CZ
popular singer
overview of solo recordings and other details
Skupina Karla Duby (1965-1965)
Sbor divadla Semafor : Zuzana neni pro nikoho doma ( Suzanne Is Not Home For Anybody ) , Supraphon 1964, vocal, [sampler]
Suchy, Jiri : Kdyby tisic klarinetu ( If A Thousand Clarinets ) , Supraphon 1965, as guest, vocal
Patrola Slapeto : Zprava o stavu prazskych hospod , Venkow Records 2003, as guest, vocal
Zagorova, Hana : Zlata kolekce / S uctou ( Golden Collection / With Respect ) , Supraphon 2006, as guest, vocal