Miroslav Imrich
born: 1953-03-27
nationality: CZ
singer and musician, frontman of several well known bands
Abraxas (1976-1983, since 1994)
Tango (1983-1988)
Alarm (1988-1991)
Tekkknofactory (since 1992)
Abraxas : Tak pojd / Skolnik ( Come On / Janitor ) , Panton 1977, vocal, [single]
Abraxas : Disco klub , Panton 1978, vocal, [sampler]
Abraxas : Ptaci / Vzpoura moogu ( Birds / Moog Rebellion ) , Panton 1980, vocal, [single]
Abraxas : Muz stroj / Praha-Bohumin ( Man Machine / Train Prague-Bohumin ) , Panton 1981, vocal, [single]
Skupina Frantiska R. Cecha : Nech me mama / Vemte to zkratkou , Supraphon 1981, as guest, vocal, [single]
Skupina Frantiska R. Cecha : Frantisek Ringo Cech 1983 , Supraphon 1983, as guest, vocal
Tango : Na sikme plose / Elektricky bal , Supraphon 1984, vocal, [single]
Skupina Frantiska R. Cecha : Dobry den / To je stary , Supraphon 1984, as guest, vocal, [single]
Tango : Co s tim sklem / Z blata do louze , 1985, vocal, [single]
Tango : Kdyz mas den / Sepoty noci ( A Hell Of A Day / Whispers Of The Night ) , Supraphon 1985, vocal, [single]
Tango : Elektricky bal ( Electric Ball ) , Supraphon 1986, vocal
Tango : Mura, hop! ( Moth, jump! ) , Supraphon 1988, vocal
Alarm : Paris, adieu / Bylas dlouho pryc , Supraphon 1989, vocal, [single]
Alarm : Rock'n'roll v patach / Vernej pes , Supraphon 1989, vocal, [single]
Alarm : Rock'n'roll v patach , Monitor 1991, vocal, guitars