... czech and slovak music guide ...

Jana Modrackova-Kaplanova
nationality: CZ

female drummer and trumpeter


Zuby nehty  (since 1997)
Traband  (since 1999)
Puvodni Bures  (since 2004)


Zuby nehty : Lod odplouva ( Ship Departing ) , Indies 1999, drums, trumpets, vocal
Puvodni Bures : Kun s peti nohama ( Five-legged Horse ) , Elektricky hlemyzd 2004, drums, trumpets
Traband : 10 let na ceste , Indies Records 2005, trumpets, [compilations / live recs.] , vocal, [compilations / live recs.]
Puvodni Bures : Cesta z krimu ( Way Out Of Jail ) , Indies 2006, trumpets, percussion, vocal
Traband : Pritel cloveka ( Man's Friend ) , Indies Scope 2007, guitars, trumpets, harmonium, vocal
Traband : Neslychane ( Unheard ) , Indies Scope 2011, trumpets, keyboards, vocal
Zuby nehty : Srdce ven , Indies Scope 2021, drums
Zuby nehty : Male Zuby: Pouta ( Little Teeth: Shackles ) , Indies Scope 2023, drums, trumpets

Last update 2023-10-24