... czech and slovak music guide ...

Hutka, Jaroslav
active from year 1966

folk singer, famous by his adaptations of Czech traditional songs, sung with guitar and massive aid of the audience. In the communist times forced to emigration to the Netherlands, his songs were still sung and cassettes ilegally copied all the time. After 1989 he comes back to the Czech Republic and goes on singing. Discography here containts (incomplete) list of titles from official publishers distribution. Besides that, Hutka releases new as well as archive titles on his own, selling them on concerts or via internet. There are dozens of these self-issued titles.

personal data, including participation in the recordings of other groups


Stuj brizo zelena ( Stand, Birch Tree Green ) , Supraphon 1974 ,
Vandrovali hudci ( Fiddlers Wandered ) , Supraphon 1976 ,
Minulost mava nam ( The Past Waves To Us ) , Safran 1978
Pravdepodobne vzdalenosti ( Probable Distances ) , Safran 1978
Listopad '89 ( November '89 ) , Panton 1989
Navrat ( Return ) , Supraphon 1989
Novinove sloupy ( Newspaper Columns ) , Safran 1990
Vyjdi slunko ( Rise Up, Sun ) , Safran 1990
Panbu na poli ( God In The Fields ) , Reflex Records 1991
Pravdepodobne vzdalenosti , Ultravox 1994
Slunecnice ( Sunflower ) , Black Point 1999
Tango o Praze ( Tango About Prague ) , Black Point 1999
Lidove balady ze sbirky Frantiska Susila ( Folk Ballads From F. Susil Anthology ) , Levne knihy KMa 2004
Tak jako kvet , Galen 2012 ,
Mistre Jene (Delft 1987/88) ( Master Jan ) , Galen 2015
Nebesti maliri ( Heavenly Painters ) , Galen 2017
Sladke zlute , Galen 2017
V rozpitych barvach , Galen 2017
100 let , Galen 2018
Skleneny den , Galen 2019

compilations / live recs.:

Doba klicova ( The Key Age ) , Galen 2019

samplers etc.:

Zakazani zpevaci druhe kultury ( Forbidden Singers of The Other Culture ) , Oktober 1978
Safran , Supraphon 1989 ,
Krestanske songy a podobenstvi ( Christian Songs And Parables ) , Multisonic 1990

SP / EP:

Jezisek ( Santa ) , Supraphon 1968
Postuj i ted jako kral/Cinova armada ( Don't Think Twice/Tin Army ) , Supraphon 1969
Mily s milou/Vaclavek vrah ( Lovers/Vaclav The Murderer ) , Supraphon 1970
Lzicka / Tkanicka , Supraphon 1976
Posilam ti/Tak ma mila ( Sending To You/So My Darling ) , Supraphon 1976
Udavac z Tesina ( Sneak From Tesin ) , Levne knihy KMa 2007



Last update 2024-09-19