... czech and slovak music guide ...

Holanova, Marcela
active from year 1971

woman pop singer, first wife of Karel Sip. Beginnings with Sip in his rock'n'roll band Faraon, then a long career of pop singer. In 1987 she founded her own backing band Reprobox. After 1989 she still tries to perform in concerts and release new recordings but the public interest in the pop "stars" of the communist times falls drastically.

personal data, including participation in the recordings of other groups


Slava jsou baly , Supraphon 1987
Oda na lasku , Supraphon 1988
Zabiju te... , Supraphon 1992
Zustavam dal , Universal Music 1995
Marcela Holanova 2001 , Popron Music 2001

SP / EP:

Nejhezci darek ( Best Gift ) ( Zagorova, Hana ) , Supraphon 1985
Rano (Strano) / Placem , Supraphon 1985


Last update 2012-12-03