albumCD, cat.No. MAM079-2
 label : Indies Records |
 released : 1998 |
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Petr Palensky "Poly" - guitars, vocal
Rostislav Mozga "Black, Blackdrum" - drums, voice
Radovan Kriz "Klima" - bass guitar, background vocal
1. | Ukolebavka / Lullaby - Insania, 1998 |
2. | I.C.U. / Vidim te - Insania, 1998 |
3. | Eclipse / Zatmeni - Insania, 1998 |
4. | Maj / May - Insania, 1998 |
5. | Then We Say: Die / Potom rikame: Zemri - Insania, 1998 |
6. | Counting Stars / Pocitani hvezd - Insania, 1998 |
7. | Kometa je klic / Comet Is The Key - Insania, 1998 |
8. | Hardcoremos Latinos - Insania, 1998 |
9. | Hus Now - Sunny Night / Slunecna noc - Insania, 1998 |
10. | Cerna magie je fajn / Black Magic Is Fucking Good - Insania, 1998 |
11. | Pray On My Side / Modlete se na me strane - Insania, 1998 |
12. | Ze tmy k ohnum / From Darkness To Flames - Insania, 1998 |
13. | cOSA nostra - Insania, 1998 |
14. | My Astral Brothers / Mi astralni bratri - Insania, 1998 |
15. | Ukolebavka / Lullaby - Insania, 1998 |