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Wings Against The Gravity
CD, cat.No. CRP 003-2

 label : Cesky rozhlas Plzen
 released : 1997
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Agnus Dei


Jan Simon "Jeremias" - vocal
Jan Relich - violoncello
Stanislav Vanik - bass guitar
Jan Simon "Jeremias" - guitars


1. Introduction In Bells - Agnus Dei, 1997
2. Clowns And Wings - Agnus Dei, 1997
3. Ultima Gens - Agnus Dei, 1997
4. Eve Negative - Agnus Dei, 1997
5. Who Wrote This? - Agnus Dei, 1997
6. Still Alive Am I - Agnus Dei, 1997
7. Who Saves Me? - Agnus Dei, 1997
8. Harfi - Agnus Dei, 1997
9. Art Of Me - Agnus Dei, 1997
10. Butterfly Queen - Agnus Dei, 1997
11. Alternatiwa - Agnus Dei, 1997
12. Vize Pro Harfu 11/97 - Agnus Dei, 1997

Last update 2023-06-15