... czech and slovak music guide ...

Martin Burlas
nationality: SK

progressive musician and composer

overview of solo recordings and other details


Matkovia  (1982-1986)


Filip, Jaro : S vetrom opreteky ( Running With the Wind ) , Opus 1982, as guest, production
Ursiny, Dezo : 4/4 , Opus 1983, as guest, production
Ulrychovi, Hana a Petr : Tichy hlas ( Quiet Voice ) , Panton 1989, as guest, keyboards, production
Ospaly pohyb : Flowers of Exhaustion , Globus 1991, vocal
Matkovia : Matkovia 1982-1986 , Zoon Records 1991, vocal, guitars, bass guitar, piano, xylophone, synthesizers, harpsichord, trumpets, marimba
Ospaly pohyb : Broken , Zoon Records 1993, arrangement

Last update 2017-10-14