... czech and slovak music guide ...

Fridl, Bob
active from year 1968

guitar player, singer and songwriter. Influenced by artists like Russian Bulat Okudjava, Donovan and Dylan (inspiration for Fridl to change his name). Since 1968 occasional appearances at Brno Youth clubs, first solo, shortly with M&T Elfteriadu. The most important chapter of his career was cooperation with J.Sochor Band (in fact, it was a parallel activity of the members of Progress Organization Band). After departure in 1978, he sang with several folk bands, went through several years of stagnation, then in the late 80's he moved to Greece. Later he moved back to Czech Republic; his attempt to come back was not much of a success. In 2013 died of cancer.

personal data, including participation in the recordings of other groups


Jen vitr to vi ( Blowin' In The Wind ) , Panton 1973 ,
Abeceda ( Alphabet ) , Panton 1974 ,
Vsem starym laskam ( To All Past Loves ) , Panton 1976 ,
Divadlo zivota ( Theatre Of life ) , FT Records 2002 ,
Zastav se clovicku ( Stop Little Man ) , 2003 ,
Sto patnact havranu ( A Hundred And Fifteen Ravens ) , Carpe Diem Records 2005 ,
Roky uz se toulam ( I've Been Wandering For Years ) , Radioservis 2007 ,

samplers etc.:

SP / EP:

Maminka / Jednou, dvakrat , Panton 1972 ,
Reka nadeji / Krasny Sen , Panton 1972 ,
Rano s tebou / Co jsem delal, jak jsem zil ( Bittova Iva ) , Panton 1980 ,


Last update 2020-01-05