Iva Bittova
born: 1958-07-22
birthplace: Bruntal
nationality: CZ
cultic alternative female singer and violinist
overview of solo recordings and other details
Dunaj (1986-1988)
Eviyan (since 2012)
Stivin, Jiri : Status Quo Vadis , Supraphon 1987, as guest, violin, vocal
Dunaj : Iva Bittova + Dunaj , Panton 1989, vocal, percussion
Viklicky, Emil : Za horama, za lesama ( Over The Mountains, Over The Woods ) , Supraphon 1990, as guest, vocal
Muller, Richard : 01 , B&M / Universal 2001, as guest, background vocal, vocal
Viktorin, Ivo : Vlna za vlnou ( Wave After Wave ) , Indies Records 2005, as guest, violin
Bittova, Dusilova, Naceva : Spolu ( Together ) , A.M.P. 2018, vocal, [compilations / live recs.] , violin, [compilations / live recs.]
Dusilova, Lenka : Reka ( The River ) , Animal Music 2020, as guest, background vocal
Vaclavek, Vladimir : FLY , Rustical Records 2020, as guest, vocal, violin